Create mode is a section of the app that contains tools to prepare and maintain the database prior to a performance.
Create mode includes tools do the following:
- Add Bands
- Rename Band
- Remove Band
- Create New Song (empty)
- Create New Song (data obtained from web content)
- Edit Song
- Copy Song
- Move Song
- Delete Song
Set Lists
- Create New SetList (empty)
- Edit SetList
- Copy SetList
- Move SetList
- Delete SetList
Most of the functions of Create Mode are self explanatory however "Bands" requires a more detail explanation which can be found in 2.1 - Bands
When selecting the Songs or SetLists options a file management section will appear which allows the user to select a file and choose to edit, copy, move, or delete the file.
You can long press on a filename to change to multi-select mode. This allows you to copy, move or delete multiple files at once if you wish.
You can long press on a filename again to return to single-select mode.